Monday, July 27, 2009

He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and . . .

I read 3 Nephi 25 this morning, which is six short but powerful verses where Jesus quotes Malachi 4 verbatim to his "other sheep" (see John 10:16) He was visiting in the American continents shortly after His resurrection.

A few different thoughts passed through my mind as I read these verses. Verses 1-4 is a strong reminder to avoid pride, something that is worth remembering and considering daily. It is also a testament that Christ will come again. Verses 5-6 is a statement that families are vitally important -- and I believe the message of these verses includes
  • The commandment to honor our parents
  • The responsibility parents have to love, care for, and teach their children
  • That it is very important to continually build strong family ties
  • A statement that family history is important, including keeping journals, pictures, recording testimony, and learning about our forebears to honor them and because we will understand ourselves better