Friday, December 31, 2010

Abraham Lincoln and The Power of Prayer

I have the following quote framed where I see it every day ...

"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." - Abraham Lincoln

I picture Mr. Lincoln facing amazing opposition throughout his life, and especially in leading the country through one of its toughest times ever.  I love to visit the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. and ponder that thought.  It is a touching experience to go to Gettysburg, see what is there, and read "Four score and seven years ago ..." What a masterful speech, exactly what was needed, when it was needed.

It is humbling to realize that much of Mr. Lincoln's strength to do these things ... came from prayer.

I truly believe the power of prayer is available to all of us.  I thought of this again when reading this morning.  I was reminded that the Lord is merciful and hears our prayers-when facing enemies,when at work,when at home,in our closets,anywhere,anytime! See Alma 33:3-11

We've just finished another year that was tough for almost every one of us.  Certainly it was tough for me.  For a few years now, the thought seems to have been ... it can't get any worse, next year has to be better.  I have that thought again now, and I am thinking positive thoughts about 2011.

I am a believer in prayer.  It has blessed me many times in the past.  And I am driven to my knees now by the overwhelming conviction that I have nowhere else to go, and that a merciful God wants to bless me in prayer.

Will you join me?