Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let the Lord be our watchman and guide

I listened again to Elder David Bednar's talk in April 2010 General Conference today.  It is available here:  .

Elder Bednar points out that early warning is much better than getting caught in emergencies (or worse).  He gives Noah before the flood, as well as Joseph and Mary protecting the young Christ child and other illustrations of this truth. 

I was especially touched when Elder Bednar continued by saying:

"Spiritual warnings should lead to increasingly vigilant watching. You and I live in “a day of warning” (D&C 63:58).  And because we have been and will be warned, we need to be, as the Apostle
Paul admonished, 'watching . . . with all perseverance' (Ephesians 6:18).
"I pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as I describe a spiritual early warning system that can help
parents in Zion to be watchful and discerning concerning their children.  This early warning system
applies to children of all ages and contains three basic components:  (1) reading and talking about the
Book of Mormon with your children, (2) bearing testimony of gospel truths spontaneously with your children, and (3) inviting children as gospel learners to act and not merely be acted upon.  Parents who do these things faithfully will be blessed to recognize early signals of spiritual growth in or challenges with their children and be better prepared to receive inspiration to strengthen and help those children."

This is a wonderful promise!  He goes on to say "Regular reading of and talking about the Book of Mormon invite the power to resist temptation and to produce feelings of love within our families." 

I love the Bible and try to read from it daily.  It is powerful inspiration.  There is also something very special about the Book of Mormon.  I have learned in my own life that Elder Bednar's words are true.  As I read the Book of Mormon daily it does indeed act as an early warning system.  It does invite the power to resist temptation, to produce feelings of love in our families, and indeed it invites the Spirit of the Lord to dwell with us.

I need that Spirit.  Life gets harder with each passing day.  I cannot walk this path alone.  I am thankful I don't have to.

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